MaNY MUSLIM,.VARIety background and race, but be unite in the name of ISLAM in SEOUL MOSQUE... iNSYALLAH will reach here ONE DAY,.....
This is solution for how to stop Kdrama. (drama, movie, music all..)
about Korean drama is so much shytanic. because who made this k-drama just wanted how to make many people watch this. surely they are not muslim so they dont care about it's correct in Islam. but even they dont care about morals but just want as much as people watch and get some expansive cf from big company.
make people sad, make people envy, make people cry, make people angry and make exciting and make just love money and power even make crazy sometimes. with love story , Zina, drink and which is not allow with family, all of life of kufar and something over limit even from kufar life.
This is first step, you must know this. how they make this drama. and what they want, and what is inside. what is this in real. then you will open eyes and understand how it's bad to muslims.
and second step. if you hard to stop one time. or it's really really hard to stop like impossible. make schedule in your note. like just watch one drama in three day, then one drama in week like this. make try to less more. until one drama in one month. then you will stop finally and no want more. inshaAllah
and third step. if you really love so much about korea. dont watch any modern korean drama. because it's really shaytanic and make even korean people going to wrong way. never watch modern korean drama. but may you will watch korean tradition history drama. or just look korean news from mbc,kbs,sbs. korean news is standard korean. so it's benefit to learn language inshaAllah.
but most good is as i said stop korean drama. dont say it's not haram so much. this is more bad because you will never stop because it's not so much haram like amerian drama? but we dont know which is more bad and shaytanic. and as i said. it's more bad if you think it's not so much haram cuz you will never give up and return to Allah. but try to stop step by step then finally just listen quran only without music. and follow sunnah instead of follow drama which is kufar life. and come back to Allah before it's too much late.
may Allah help us and guide us. and forgive our sins and mistakes and make us enter jannah. aameen.
and third step. if you really love so much about korea. dont watch any modern korean drama. because it's really shaytanic and make even korean people going to wrong way. never watch modern korean drama. but may you will watch korean tradition history drama. or just look korean news from mbc,kbs,sbs. korean news is standard korean. so it's benefit to learn language inshaAllah.
but most good is as i said stop korean drama. dont say it's not haram so much. this is more bad because you will never stop because it's not so much haram like amerian drama? but we dont know which is more bad and shaytanic. and as i said. it's more bad if you think it's not so much haram cuz you will never give up and return to Allah. but try to stop step by step then finally just listen quran only without music. and follow sunnah instead of follow drama which is kufar life. and come back to Allah before it's too much late.
may Allah help us and guide us. and forgive our sins and mistakes and make us enter jannah. aameen.
and third step. if you really love so much about korea. dont watch any modern korean drama. because it's really shaytanic and make even korean people going to wrong way. never watch modern korean drama. but may you will watch korean tradition history drama. or just look korean news from mbc,kbs,sbs. korean news is standard korean. so it's benefit to learn language inshaAllah.
but most good is as i said stop korean drama. dont say it's not haram so much. this is more bad because you will never stop because it's not so much haram like amerian drama? but we dont know which is more bad and shaytanic. and as i said. it's more bad if you think it's not so much haram cuz you will never give up and return to Allah. but try to stop step by step then finally just listen quran only without music. and follow sunnah instead of follow drama which is kufar life. and come back to Allah before it's too much late.
may Allah help us and guide us. and forgive our sins and mistakes and make us enter jannah. aameen.
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